Lucy Fricke – Die Diplomatin

Lucy Fricke – Die Diplomatin

Friederike – Fred – Andermann hat sich im diplomatischen Dienst hochgearbeitet und wird als Konsulin nach Montevideo geschickt. Als sie gerade mit den Vorbereitungen zu den Feierlichkeiten des 3. Oktobers beschäftigt ist, platzt die Meldung über eine verschwundene Bloggerin herein. Seit 24 Stunden kein Post – für die Mutter ist klar, dass dem Kind etwas zugestoßen sein muss. Fred ordnet den Fall nicht ganz so dramatisch ein, kümmert sich dennoch, nicht ahnend, dass dies ihr größtes Scheitern werden wird. Zwei Jahre später findet sie sich in Istanbul wieder, die diplomatische Stimmung ist aufgeheizt und sie selbst gerät durch eine Affäre zwischen die Fronten.

Lucy Fricke konnte mich mit ihrem Roman „Töchter“ bereits vollends begeistern, die Lebendigkeit der Figuren, die ihren Vorgänger ausgezeichnete, findet sich auch in „Die Diplomatin“ wieder. Dem Roman gelingt die Balance zwischen der Schilderung des hochförmlichen diplomatischen Dienstes und der bisweilen fast zynischen Reaktion der Protagonistin auf diesen, was zu einem lockeren Ton mit zahlreichen Seitenhieben verschmilzt.

Auch wenn ich zunächst etwas unglücklich über die relativ kurze vorgeschaltete Episode in Uruguay war, da die Haupthandlung sich in der Türkei abspielt, ist diese doch ganz wesentlich für die Entscheidungen und das Handeln Freds. Folgt sie in Uruguay noch dem Protokoll, versteckt sich hinter dem Amt, das sie bekleidet, und überlässt die wichtigen Entscheidungen der Zentrale, so ist sie in Istanbul an einem ganz anderen Punkt angelangt. Sie hat erlebt, dass auch ihre Vorgesetzten nicht alles verhindern können und falsche Entscheidungen treffen. Das Protokoll mag Sicherheit geben, aber Intuition und Menschenverstand sind womöglich manchmal überlegen.

Die Vorgänge in der türkischen Großstadt greifen das auf, was einem aus Zeitungsmeldungen der vergangenen Jahre nur allzu bekannt ist. Verhaftungen ohne Anklage, fast absurde Anschuldigungen, Menschen, die einfach verschwinden, durchsuchte Wohnungen – die ganze Palette eines Staates im Ausnahmezustand und größter Erregung baut Fricke geschickt ein. Die Opfer der Repressalien – eine Künstlerin, ihr unbescholtener Sohn, ein Journalist – sind alledem machtlos ausgeliefert und auch Fred kann trotz ihrer Position wenig bis gar nichts ausrichten.

Die Grenzen der Diplomatie und was die Erfahrungen mit den oft handlungsunfähigen Menschen machen, fängt der Roman überzeugend ein. Von geradezu banalen repräsentativen Terminen bis zu jenen, die Contenance erfordern, die fast nicht aufbringbar ist und gegen die sich alles sträubt – man fragt sich, wie lange man so etwas aushalten kann. In der Figur Freds wird diese Zerrissenheit sehr deutlich und überzeugend dargestellt.

Ein kurzer und vor allem kurzweiliger Roman, der so gar nichts vom schönen Schein des Diplomatenlebens zeigt, dem Leser aber unterhaltsame bis nachdenkliche Einblicke erlaubt.

Jo Nesbø – Eifersucht

Jo Nesbo — Eifersucht

Der norwegische Krimiautor Jo Nesbø macht sich in seinem aktuellen Buch auf, unterschiedliche Formen von Eifersucht zu ergründen, die – man ahnt es – für die Beteiligten nicht immer gut ausgehen. In sieben Geschichten, die sich in Setting und Länge völlig unterscheiden, lässt er den Leser daran teilhaben, wie die Figuren in den emotionalen Ausnahmezustand geraten. Der Profikiller, der eigentlich nur seinen Job machen will und dann an eine für ihn bezaubernde Kundin gerät; das Brüderpaar, das um die Gunst derselben Frau buhlt; die Migrantin, die sich als Kassiererin den ganzen Tag den Unverschämtheiten ihrer Kunden aussetzen muss oder auch der Autor, bei dem sich Realität und Fiktion vermischen, sie und weitere erleben wir im Grenzbereich des Menschlichen und Unmenschlichen.

Ich bin zugegebenermaßen kein ausgewiesener Freund von Kurzgeschichten, die Figurenentwicklung kommt mir dabei oft zu kurz und das Zuspitzen der Handlung auf einen einzigen Kulminationspunkt lässt mir zu viel von dem Fehlen, was davor geschah und dahin geführt hat. Daher ist es für mich nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass die längeren Geschichten mich deutlich mehr angesprochen haben, insbesondere „Eifersucht“ um die beiden Kletterer und den Athener Ermittler, der ihren ungewöhnlichen Fall untersucht, mit rund 120 Seiten auch schon eher eine Novelle innerhalb der Sammlung.

Über allen Geschichten schwebt die Frage, was einen Menschen dazu treiben kann, einem anderen das Leben zu nehmen. Es sind ganz unterschiedliche Beweggründe, die meist nachvollziehbar motiviert sind und so die Frage beim Leser aufreißen, ob man selbst auch in dieser Situation enden könnte. Natürlich würde niemand bei klarem Verstand so weit gehen und doch: Jo Nesbø präsentiert ganz normale Figuren, die einem tagtäglich über den Weg laufen könnten und bei denen schlicht ein einziger Tropfen zu viel wurde und das Fass zum Überlaufen brachte. Kann man nicht selbst auch an diesen Punkt gelangen? Würde man so weit gehen? Und hat man nicht sogar sehr viel Verständnis für sie? Eine moralische Herausforderung, die dabei bestens unterhält.

Sarah Gilmartin – Dinner Party

Sarah Gilmartin – Dinner Party

It’s the anniversary the siblings spend together like every year. Kate has neatly prepared everything in her small apartment for her oldest brother Peter and the younger one Ray with his wife Liz. 16 years were not enough to get over the loss of her twin sister Elaine whom she remembers like yesterday. The atmosphere is tense and soon after dinner the guests leave, but Ray returns with a special present which sends Kate back in the time when she and Elaine were just kids, then teenagers and the fateful day of her death. Yet, it was not just this tragic event that made the family unhappy, even long time before, none of them did real lead the life they wanted and, seemingly, neither do they in the present.

I was a bit astonished about the novel, even though the title is “Dinner Party”, Sarah Gilmartin grants this only a brief chapter in the novel, however, it is the event that triggers the memories in Kate and explains how she became the lonely, highly obsessive woman we meet at the beginning. The author added a subtitle, “A Tragedy”, which is totally adequate in terms of the suffering and the sorrowful event the protagonist has to go through. Yet, I am not sure if the reader can feel something like a catharsis while reading. For me, it was a very sad novel showing the impact parents and the family constitution can have on a child and the adult he or she becomes.

Quite naturally, the young twin sisters have a strong bond and can understand each other without words. On their farm, they are far away from other kids and exposed to their mother’s moods. She comes from one of the best families and expects her kids to excel in their ascribed fields, Kate play the piano, for Elaine it is horse-riding. The older brothers have long been a disappointment for the mother, especially Peter with his plans to emigrate to the US. Becoming teenagers does not help the situation and the tensions between mother and father, but also between the two sisters become more and more obvious.

The protagonist is naturally the most striking character. Even as kids, she and Elaine have never been really equal. Elaine was to more extrovert and outgoing twin, she dictated for both of them what to do. From fear of her mother’s frequent outbursts, Kate quickly tries to become the diligent and obedient girl who does everything right. Also as a teenager, she does not rebel but she cannot get over the feeling of being the less loved daughter, the one who does not achieve what is expected from her, the one who can never do anything right. Controlling her feelings and emotions ultimately leads to an obsessive behaviour and when she has found something that is totally controllable, she quite naturally develops an eating disorder.

Dysfunctional relationships, a lack of love and positive support – the best ingredients to hinder a girl from becoming an emotionally stable and self-confident adult. The experiences of the young Kate reflect the problems she shows as an adult. She isn’t able to have a good relationship, she is much too insecure and, on the other hand, she never could get free of her mother and her impact on her feelings. A great character development which gives you also a lot of food for thought.

Sanaë Lemoine – The Margot Affair

sanae lemoine the margot affair
Sanaë Lemoine – The Margot Affair

It has always been like this: her father would visit them every other day, sometimes they did not hear of him for weeks. But when he opened the door, he was there completely for Margot Louve and her mother Anouk. No holidays together, no show up at school events, he only belonged to their private life and for the world outside their Paris apartment, there simply was no father. Nobody knew who he was because everybody knew him. He was a public man, a well-known politician and the husband of another woman. When Margot meets a journalist, the idea of going public with their story pops up, thus forcing him to finally decide between the two lives and families. She is sure that he loves her and her mother much more than his actual wife and therefore, she sets in motion a chain of events with an outcome she would never have imagined.

Sanaë Lemoine’s story of course immediately reminds the reader of the former French president Mitterrand’s double life which he only revealed shortly before his death thus making Mazarine Pingeot suddenly one of the most famous daughters of the country. The author does not try to hide the parallels, she even mentions and integrates the real life events in her novel thus underlining also the differences between the two. Written from the daughter’s perspective, she convincingly gives the voice to a young woman full of insecurities and marked by her quite naturally limited understanding of her parents’ affair.

I totally adored the first part of the novel which focuses on Margot and her relationship with her father. She does not question her life and the fact that she can never talk about who her father is, knowing that he loves her deeply is enough for herself and the arrangements also seems to work well for her mother. When the two of them accidentally encounter her father’s wife, something in her is set in motion and it only needs a little pushing by a journalist to develop her fatal plot. She is too young to foresee the scope of her action and what the possible outcomes are.

In the second part, unfortunately, the author lost me a bit with the shift of the focus. Margot is fascinated by a woman a couple of years her senior and the journalist’s wife. Brigitte is a strong contrast to her always distanced and rather cold and controlled mother and fills some kind of emotional gap that opened in her life. For the reader it is quite obvious that she is to a certain extent lured on to destruction and falls prey to the reckless woman. Even though the development between them is well portrayed and slowly moves towards the final blow, Margot lost a bit of her charming personality for me and the reflective and thoughtful young woman turns into a naïve and emotionally dependent girl which I did not really like to follow anymore that much.

A psychologically interesting novel about relationships and emotional needs of children and their parents, but also a study of how the choices of life you make always will have an impact on other people, too.

Anna-Lou Weatherley – The Stranger’s Wife

Anna-Lou Weatherley – The Stranger’s Wife

You should never underestimate a woman’s revenge. When her nanny and friend vanishes, Beth decides that – since it all will finally come out anyhow – she can also make the first step herself: she tells her husband Evan that she’s going to leave him for her affair Nick. Evan seems to accept this calmly, they have lived next to each other but hardly with each other for years now, calling this a marriage was embellishing the situation. But he warns his wife that she will be sorry for this step. At that moment, Beth doesn’t have a clue what he means, how powerful her husband actually is and first of all, WHO she has been married to all these years. With her decision to leave him, she has triggered a ball that will send her directly into hell. But Beth is a fighter, much more a fighter than Evan could ever imagine.

Anna-Lou Weatherley’s novel really deserves the title “page-turner”. From the first chapter when the nanny goes missing to the very end: it is a rollercoaster ride of emotional ups and downs that fascinatingly and almost addictively keeps you reading on. The author has created enemies who fight on a very high level – a wonderful read that I enjoyed throughout.

“The Stranger’s Wife” is a psychological thriller combined with some serious issues that make you ponder quite some time after having finished reading it. I totally adored the idea of a woman fighting back, not accepting fate and a bullying husband who knows all the important people and thinks that life runs according to his personal laws. Having his evil character slowly unfold was exciting and frightening at the same time since you always wonder how well you actually know the people around you and how much and what they might hide. Yet, the story also showed that marital abuse and physical as well as psychological violence happens in all social classes, the rich can be affected in the same way as the poor, money does not make a difference when it comes to aggressions.

A marvellous plot with interesting and multifaceted characters, thus I can easily pardon the fact that it needed a kind of coincidence to make everything fall into place. The novel literally absorbed me and I hardly could put it down.