Michael Farris Smith – NICK

Michael Farris Smith – NICK

World War I is raging and Nick Caraway among the young soldiers who fight in France. His life threatened when he lies in the trench, he is looking for distraction in Paris on those few days he is off duty. He falls for a woman but times like these are not made for love. When he returns to the US in 1919, he suffers from what we today call post-traumatic stress syndrome. He does not know where to go or what to do with his life and thus ends up in New Orleans. The lively city promises forgetting but there, too, he is haunted in his dreams.

I was so looking forward to reading Michael Farris Smith’s novel about Nick Caraway since I have read “The Great Gatsby” several times, watched the film adaptations even more often and totally adore Fitzgerald’s characters. Knowing that the plot was set in the time before Nick meets Jay Gatsby, it was clear that this novel would not be a kind of spin-off, but I wasn’t expecting something with absolutely no connection to the classic novel at all. Apart from the protagonist’s name and the very last page, I couldn’t see any link and admittedly I was quite disappointed since I had expected a totally different story.

First of all, having read Fitzgerald so many times, I have developed some idea of the character Nick. He has always been that gentle and shy young man who is attentive and a good listener and friend. He never appeared to be the party animal who headlessly consumes alcohol and goes to brothels. Therefore, the encounters with women in “NICK“ do not fit to my idea of the character at all. He also never made the impression of being totally traumatized by his war experiences which, on the contrary, is the leading motive in this novel.

Roaring Twenties, lively New York party life, people enjoying themselves – this is the atmosphere I adored in The Great Gatsby, none of this can be found in “NICK”. It starts with exhausting war descriptions, something I avoid reading normally and I wasn’t prepared for at all. Pages after page we read about soldiers fighting, this might be attractive for some readers, unfortunately, this is no topic for me. After depressing war scenes, we have gloomy and depressed Nick not knowing how to cope with the experiences he made in France. No glitter here, but a lot of fire and ashes.

Reading “NICK” without having “The Great Gatsby” in mind might lead to a totally different reading experience. For me, sadly, a disappointment in many respects for which also some beautifully put sentences and an interesting character development could not make amends.

F. Scott Fitzgerlad – The Great Gatsby

F. Sc ott Fitzgerlad – The Great Gatsby

Nick Carraway kommt nach New York, um dort seinen neuen Job anzutreten. Ein kleines Häuschen hat er in der Nähe großer Villen gemietet und so lernt er schon bald seinen Nachbarn kennen, der regelmäßig pompöse Partys gibt: Jay Gatsby. Seine Cousine Daisy und ihr Mann Tom sowie deren Freundin Jordan sind ihm in der ersten Zeit Freunde und lernt durch sie die andere Seite New Yorks kennen: das ausgelassene Partyleben der 20er. Als Gatsby mit einem Wunsch an ihn herantritt, will er diesen gerne erfüllen: er möchte Daisy wiedersehen, seine Liebe aus der Zeit vor dem Krieg. Nick arrangiert das Treffen und löst damit eine Kettenreaktion aus, die in einer Katastrophe endet.
Ein Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur und des American Dream. Der talentierte junge Mann, der mit Fleiß und innerer Überzeugung den Weg nach oben sucht und sich Geld und Ansehen erarbeitet. Zugleich eine tragische Liebesgeschichte und ein Beispiel für die Zügellosigkeit und Rücksichtslosigkeit der New Yorker Oberschicht der 1920er. Heute nicht weniger aktuell als vor 90 Jahren.
Für mich auch bei x-ten Lesen spannend zu sehen, wie Gatsby sich entwickelt und wie er doch am Ende verliert.